I apologize for being so late with this post. The week was quite busy with preparations for our 4th Annual St Patrick’s Day Retreat. And then the weatherman called for snow! And it did!
The Quiet Meadow Bundle is one of the bundles on sale during March for 20% off. The full list is pictured below.
The Facebook Live
I was so glad to have some help creating today. We made a beautiful, shimmery card together. About 30 seconds after we finished I found the Bark embossing folder that I couldn’t find before. I made a second card with it and softened the stamping by stamping off and using more Pale Papaya then Polished Pink. I’d love to know what you think. Do you have a preference?
What’s up next?
Visit my classes page or my calendar page for more information and to register for upcoming classes. You need to subscribe for the monthly card club by March 20 in order to receive the March class. Or register by the 20th for the March class without subscribing.
BINGO is marching in soon. Be sure to reserve your spot now. Join me Thursday for a FREE online class featuring the Waves of the Ocean suite.
Join me Wednesday at 11 am cst on Facebook Live here.
If you subscribe to my YouTube channel and allow notifications you won’t miss my Monday YouTube lives.

I would love to hear from you and know what you are creating today. Please drop a comment or email and let me know. hello@michelesalchow.com. If you would like to receive an email with every blog post please complete the form at the bottom of the post.
Stamped Blessings,
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