I ran across a card by a demonstrator in New Zealand and decided to CASE it. I created it 3 ways to demonstrate that a similar look could be created multiple ways.
The Artfully Composed Suite in the January – June 2022 Mini Catalog features bright colors, and large tropical stamps and die cuts. It is the featured suite in the April 2022 Card Club. Subscribe to the club or register for just the April class by April 20 to receive this prepped kit with 8 cards (2 each of 4 designs). The goody bag includes over $20 in products you will use in to create your cards with leftovers to continue creating.
Today’s Facebook Live
I’m so sorry that I wasn’t feeling better this morning. I woke up to a headache that is determined to stick around!
The 3 cards we created have similar looks. In fact, cards 2 and 3 have the same Just Jade base and card front. The inside looks the same, but card 3 has a little extra – it’s a card within a card. I hope you will use this recipe when you need a little more room for your message or want a little something extra for a special someone.
Thank you for watching and encouraging me live. I always appreciate the interaction and the encouragement you show with your comments and by sharing the video.
Last week I challenged you to comment, like, and share my video for a chance to win a card kit for the April 21 FREE Online Class. That class is FREE to watch for everyone and is offered to my team at a deeply discounted rate. It’s offered to my customers FREE with a qualifying purchase. I failed to draw draw a winner Monday on my YouTube live. I will draw on Monday, April 4th for a winner from the comments on last week’s video and this week’s. Comment here on the blog, on YouTube, or on the replay post on Facebook. When you share the video you might need to comment that you’ve shared. I can’t always tell who has shared.
The recipes and supply lists are below. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Stamping. I’ll see you next Monday at 9 am CST on YouTube live here and next Wednesday morning at 9 am CST on Facebook live here.
What’s up next?
The newsletter with April’s class schedule will be sent to subscribers ASAP. My headache is still kicking my behind, and I cannot promise I’ll have it out today.
Join me next Monday at 9 am cst on YouTube Live here. Please note that this is a new time.
If you subscribe to my YouTube channel and allow notifications you won’t miss my Monday YouTube lives.

I would love to hear from you and know what you are creating today. Please drop a comment or email and let me know. hello@michelesalchow.com. If you would like to receive an email with every blog post please complete the form at the bottom of the post.
Stamped Blessings,
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